This years #mentalhealthawareness week theme is #MomentsForMovement and is all about finding the time and space in our days to move more to help support our mental health.
Regular physical activity is known to improve mental health, quality of life, and wellbeing. It also helps prevent and treat heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and breast and colon cancer, and more.
As someone who has suffered serious depression in the past I know many folks may be wary of campaigns that encourage exercise or put the onus on individuals to try and improve their own mental health (outwith structured support) BUT genuinely playing Dodgeball for me has at times been life saving.
Regular structured exercise in a fun and social environment kept me connected with people and kept me moving when I might otherwise never have gotten out of bed.
I know it’s not going to help everyone and I know sometimes it seems glib to say “just go out for a walk” or similar but sometimes it really can help.
A lot of mental health conditions stop you doing things. Stop you connecting with people. They make you “difficult” to be around. Rob you of the resources needed to navigate the day to day stuff we all take for granted. Mine robbed me of my patience. I was so frustrated and tired all the time I just feel apart. But not before chucking a hand grenade at friendships and everything else beforehand.
So I know Mental illness can isolate you.
It can make your world smaller.
I’d welcome and support anyone trying to make their world larger again by joining our sessions. I’d be happy to chat over things ahead of time with anyone who feels nervous or anxious about trying something new.
There’s no reason poor mental health should prevent anyone from becoming a Giant.
Keir (head coach, Granton Giants)