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Dodgeball is more than just a playground game—it’s a strategic sport that demands precision, power, and finesse. In this guide, we’ll break down the fundamentals to help you become a dodgeball throwing pro.

Throwing a dodgeball is a process that you engage in with your entire body and not just your arm.

The way you grip the ball, the way that you use your body to generate power, and where you aim all have an important impact on the success of your game.

1. Grip and Stance

Before you launch that ball, nail down your grip and stance:

  • Grip: Hold the dodgeball firmly but not too tightly. Experiment with different grips (claw, cradle, or three-finger) to find what feels comfortable.

  • Stance: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, one foot slightly ahead of the other. Balance is key for a powerful throw.

2. The Overhand Technique

The classic overhand throw is versatile and effective:

  1. Position your arm at a ninety-degree angle

  2. Wind-Up: Raise your dominant hand above shoulder level, gripping the ball.

  3. Power Generation: Transfer weight to your back leg as you bring your arm back

  4. Forward Motion: Propel yourself forward, extending your arm toward the target

  5. Release: Snap your wrist at the right moment for a smooth release.

3. Movement

To maximize your power, you should always try to throw from a moving position, running if possible.

If you can’t run before throwing the ball, take a step forward to gain momentum.

Use all your strength to forcefully hit your opponent.

4. Power

Generate power with your entire body.

Don’t just swing your arm, use all of your strength to generate momentum.

f you use your shoulder, leg, hips, and wrists, your throw will go further and land harder.

5. Aim

Aim for your opponents' knees or below.

You want to make it difficult for your opponent to catch the ball, so don’t aim at their midsection near their hands. You also don’t want to aim so low, however, that you hit the ground.


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