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The name of the organisation shall be GRANTON GIANTS hereinafter referred to as the ‘Club’.




The club is established to pursue the following objectives:

  • Participation in the sport of Dodgeball pursuant British Dodgeball Rules and Regulations, hereinafter referred to as the ‘sport’.

  • The organisation, management and development of the club including opportunities for all members of the Club to become coaches, volunteers, and players at all levels.


  • Membership of appropriate leagues for the purpose of establishing regular competitive play for the club’s representative teams


  • The provision of training and playing facilities for its members.


  • Promoting and maintaining the highest standards of technical competence and safety in the sport.


  • Upholding the rules of the sport.


  • Providing equal opportunities for successful participation by all sections of the community.


  • The promotion of the sport.




  • The Club shall be affiliated to the National Governing Body. This is currently British Dodgeball.




All members are subject to the Constitution of the Club and the regulations of the National Governing Body. 


Membership is open to all and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. 


  • There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, political or other opinion.


  • The club will be explicitly inclusive in the marketing of its events and supportive of participation for minority and marginalised groups.


  • Members shall be enrolled on one of the following categories:

    • Playing/ Competing Member (adult/ junior)

    • Non-Playing/ Associate (non-competing)

    • Coach (qualified)

    • Official (qualified)    

    •  Volunteer/ Helper

    • Life Member

    • Honorary Member


Any rejected membership application may be appealed to a body other than the committee/ individuals making the original decision e.g. disciplinary committee or AGM


All applications for membership shall be accompanied by the appropriate annual membership fee, which shall thereafter be payable on demand.


The membership fee and levels of concessions for various groups will be set by the management committee annually.


The members of the following categories shall be entitled to vote at General or Annual General Meetings and

may be elected and serve on the Management Committee

  • Playing/ Competing Member (adult)

  • Non-Playing/ Associate (non-competing)

  • Coach (qualified)

  • Official (qualified)

  • Life Member


All members will receive a copy / be given an electronic version / website link of the relevant Code of Conduct, a copy of the Club’s Child Protection Policy and a copy of the Constitution.


No portion of the income and property shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, distribution, bonus. honoraria or otherwise howsoever by way of profit to the members

Suspension, Refusal or Termination of Membership


The management committee shall be entitled to:


  • Refuse any application for membership on the grounds that such membership would be prejudicial to the objectives of the club as set out in Rule 2 of this constitution.


  • For good and sufficient reason to refuse renewal of any existing membership or terminate or suspend any membership provided that the member concerned shall have the right to be heard by the full management committee before a final decision is made.


Any reason for refusal or termination must  be communicated in writing  to the individual and can be appealed to a body other than the committee/ individuals making the original decision e.g. disciplinary committee or AGM


Any member who fails to pay their fees by the date required shall forfeit their right to representation on the management committee and at general meetings, and shall be suspended from taking part in any event under the control of the club until such fees are paid.


Any member under suspension shall be barred from taking part in any match or event under the control of the club.


Notification of the termination of a membership will be forwarded to the Governing Body.


General Meetings


Annual General Meeting (AGM)


The AGM shall be held each year at such time and place as determined by the management committee, at approximately twelve-monthly intervals, but no more than fourteen months after the date of the previous AGM. At each AGM the following business shall be conducted:


  • Receive and confirm the minutes of the previous AGM.


  • Presentation of the club’s financial accounts for the year.


  • Presentation of clubs projected financial situation for the forthcoming year, and the setting of all fees


  • Presentation of Presidents report.


  • Election of officers to the management committee.


  • Any other business brought before the meeting which has been submitted in writing to the secretary not less than seven days prior to the AGM, and any other business deemed relevant by the president


Notice for an AGM shall be a minimum of 21 days.

A quorum for an AGM shall be 20 members or 25% of voting membership (whichever is smaller at the time of calling the meeting).


Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)


An EGM may be called upon the written demand of:

  • 33% of the membership.

  • The President

  • 2/3 majority of the management committee.


Notice for an EGM shall be of a minimum of fourteen days notice and stating the business to be discussed.


Rules for General Meetings

  • A minimum of twenty-one days notice in writing shall be given to all members, except in the event of an EGM where the notice shall be a minimum of fourteen days.

  • The President, or in his/her absence a member selected by the meeting, will take the Chair.

  • All members shall register with the Secretary prior to the start of the meeting.

  • Each member shall have one vote.

  • All votes shall be determined by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair may exercise a casting vote.

  • The quorum shall be one quarter of those eligible to vote, or 20 such members, whichever is the smaller.

  • The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and record all proceedings and resolutions.


Election of Officers to The Management Committee


The members of the management committee shall be drawn from the membership, as defined in in this constitution.


  • Candidates shall be elected by paper ballot at the AGM and shall be members of the management committee from the conclusion of that AGM until the conclusion of the following AGM.


  • All nominations of candidates for election shall: have the consent of the nominee; be in writing; be seconded; be received by the secretary not less than fourteen days before the AGM.


  • Uncontested posts may be filled by nomination(s) and election at the AGM.


The Secretary shall send all members a list of all nominations not less than seven days prior to the AGM.

Members Of The Management Committee


The Management Committee shall consist of at least the following Officers:


  • President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

The following officers may also be elected to the committee.

  • Fixtures / Competition Secretary

  • Team Managers/ Coaches representative /Club Captains (all nonvoting unless elected at the AGM)

  • Community engagement and social media officer

  • Development and sponsorship officer

  • Kit manager

  • Players representative

  • Social secretary

  • Welfare Officers (preferably 2 officers, male and  female) Reporting to Committee but non voting unless elected at the AGM.


The President, Secretary, and Treasurer compose the club executive and are empowered to make certain time sensitive decisions and actions on behalf of the club as agreed by the club committee. These decisions and actions are subject to regular review by the non-executive committee at regular meetings.


As detailed above, all elected members of the management committee shall be entitled to one vote each at General Meetings, except the Chair of the meeting who may have the deciding vote in the event of a tie.


The committee may co-opt any member to any unfilled post until the conclusion of the following AGM, providing that the number of co-optees shall not exceed one third of the total number of persons serving on the committee at that time.


The management committee may appoint any sub-committees it may deem necessary to deal with the matters of the club, until the conclusion of the following AGM. The proceedings of all such committees shall report to the management committee by a representative elected by that sub-committee. The committee may award voting rights to that representative for the duration of their committees standing.

Rules For The Management Committee


The President shall chair the meeting, or in his/her absence one of treasurer or Secretary or a nominee from the committee in the event of all those mentioned being absent.

  • Fourteen days’ notice of any meeting of the management committee shall be given by the Secretary, except when:

    • The date of the meeting had been agreed at the previous management meeting, in which case seven days notice shall be given.

    • In an emergency the President may call a meeting at four days notice.

  • The quorum shall be four of those Officers entitled to vote, as listed at Rule 9.

  • All members of the management committee as listed at Rule 8. a) shall be entitled to vote.

  • All votes shall be determined by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair may exercise a casting vote.


Meetings shall be open to all members of the club.



The income and property of the club, however derived, shall be applied solely towards the objectives of the club as set out in this constitution.


The club shall have the power to raise money by means of yearly affiliation fees and match fees as determined by the Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting.


All monies shall be lodged in a bank account in the name of the club.


The President, Treasurer and Secretary shall be authorised signatories to sign cheques on behalf of the club, of which two signatories shall be needed.


The financial year of the club shall run from April to March


Amendments to the Constitution


This Constitution may only be amended by a proposal passed by a majority of members present and entitled to vote at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.

The Dissolution of the Club.

Any resolution to dissolve the club may be passed at any General Meeting provided that:

  • the terms of the proposed resolution are received by the Secretary at least forty-two days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward, and that


  • at least twenty-eight days of the proposed resolution shall be given in writing by the secretary to all members, and that


  • such a resolution shall receive the assent of two thirds of those present and entitled to vote.


If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the Club there remains after the satisfaction of all the Club’s debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects (that is, aims and activities) similar to the objects of the Club by Resolution passed at a General meeting at or before the time of the dissolution, and in so far as effect cannot be given to such provision then to some charitable objects.  




  • Take responsibility for managing the affairs of the Club.

  • Ensure that the Committee and processes are working well and take feedback on potential issues.

  • Oversee and guide the decisions taken by the Committee and resultant actions.

  • Seek out opportunities to promote the club and sport.

  • Communicate with people of interest to the club.

  • Communicate to members about our developments.

  • Where necessary, assist with the preparation and submission of any statutory documents (e.g. VAT or grant aid reports).


  • Manage the Club’s account(s)

  • Collect and record payments (tournament/kit payments etc.) and inform players of any outstanding debts.

  • Inform the committee as to what purchases and expenditures are feasible financially.

  • Pay for venues and services promptly and keep a record of reimbursements paid by the club.

  • Pay all bills and invoices, as required.


  • Work with the Chair to set the agendas for Committee meetings.

  • Organise relevant meetings, regularly and when called for.

  • Ensure any agendas and papers are circulated ahead of meetings and the AGM.

  • Take a note of each meeting and the AGM, for circulation.

  • Maintain emergency contact details for all club members.

  • Organise annual club membership.




  • Plan sessions, in discussion with the Club’s coaches.

  • Ensure a safe playing environment is created.

  • Ensure members are given the appropriate level of training and competition.

  • Use observation and feedback to help decide what aspect of Dodgeball to focus on in the future.

  • Ensure teams are entered into competitions.

  • Organise tournament logistics.

  • Arrange coaching meetings to discuss sessions, strategies and new tactics.


  • Communicate with people of interest to the club.

  • Locate potential partners and potential sources of sponsorship or grant funding.

  • With the development and engagement officer:

    • Seek out opportunities to promote the club and sport.

    • Organise promotional/community events to raise the club’s profile.

  • Link with local high-schools, universities and colleges and other organisations to promote dodgeball and the Club.


  • Ensure club members adhere to the clubs Code of Conduct.

  • Be the first point of contact for club members and parents regarding any issue concerning child welfare, poor practice or potential abuse.

  • Ensure confidentiality is maintained and information is only shared on a ‘need to know’ basis.

  • Ensure the Club acts in accordance with its: Safeguarding; Equality and Diversity; Health and Safety; and Complaints and Disciplinary policies.


  • Take overall responsibility for the collection, processing and storage of personal information held by the club.

  • Ensure that systems are in place which are designed with privacy and secure storage of data in mind.

  • Ensure that the Club’s Data Protection Policy and Data Privacy Statements are correctly implemented.

  • Report any breaches involving data security to the Information Commissioner’s Office within 72 hours of discovery.


  • Liaise with team’s head coach to pick competitive teams

  • Coordinate their responses and adjust, if required.

  • Coordinate responses and call up replacements if necessary.

  • Liaise with National Governing Body regarding competitions.

  • Book transport for the journey.

  • Book overnight accommodation if required.

  • Book appropriate space for training sessions.


  • Order kit/merchandise/equipment as required, following agreement by the Committee.

  • Source suitable suppliers for new kit/equipment/merchandise.

  • Perform regular stock takes to inform future purchases.

  • Be responsible for arranging the storage and tracking of club equipment, kit and merchandise.

  • Be responsible for organising the transportation of kit and equipment, as necessary.


  • Identify and organise a variety of socials for all club members to enjoy.

  • Together with the Development and Engagement Officer, promote events to encourage attendance.

  • Arrange the End of Year Presentation.

  • Seek opportunities for the club to engage in fundraising and bring suggestions for events to the board.


  • Be the voice of the Club’s members and ensure all relevant decision making includes the voice of players and their best interests.

  • Assist the Committee with support/mediation to players/parents in situations including disputes involving team relations, disciplinary issues, financial issues & selection disputes, where required.

  • Assist the Development and Engagement officer in producing and facilitating all player surveys as required.


  • Organise promotional/community events to raise the club’s profile.

  • Organise media coverage/press releases for publicity of Club milestones, events and activities.

  • Organise opportunities for photos/videos and maintain a photo bank for website & social media use.

  • Create a communication strategy or develop the current strategy.

  • Create and maintain the Club’s media register.

  • Review and update the Club’s social media Policy.

  • Promote sponsors, especially promoting special offers from sponsors, as required.

  • Communicate/promote the Club’s activities using social media, especially key events.

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